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作者: 时间:2018-08-13



Yang Chen, PhD

Summary of Qualification

Self-motivated biomedical scientist with experiences and skills in:

▪Developing collaborative researches between clinical and biochemical & biomolecular science labs

▪Excellent communication skills to both scientists and non-scientists

▪Profound knowledge in biochemical & biomolecular science, pulmonology and exercise physiology

▪Comprehend and interpret basic scientific, clinical and pre-clinical data

▪Initiate, monitor and support potential investigator’s development plan


Rutgers New Jersey Medical School,

Newark, NJ, United States, Ph.D., Biomedical Science, 2011-2016

Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, M.S., Biosystem, 2009-2011

Hunan Institute Engineering, China, B.S., Bioengineering, 2005-2009

Relevant Professional development Skills

▪ Team work ▪ Oral and written communication

▪ Project management ▪ Protocol and technique development

▪ Budget management ▪ Statistical analysis

▪ Mentoring students ▪ Initiate collaboration with other scientists

Professional Membership

International Society for Photosynthesis Research (ISPR) 2010-2012

American Heart Association (AHA) 2011-2013

American Physiology Society (APS) 2014-

Honors and Awards

Presidential Scholarship, Hunan Institute of Engineering (Educational Funding) 2005-2009

Dean’s Award in undergraduate thesis, Human Institute of Engineering 2009

Japan Student Service Organization (JASSO) Grant (Educational Funding) 2010-2011

APS Abstract Travel Award (Travel Funding) 2015

Press Release from APS Bioenergetics Conference (public media) 2015

Educational and Professional Development

Research Assistant, Mentor: Dr. Jun Minagawa

Institute of Low Temperature at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan 2009-2010

National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki, Japan 2010-2011

Budget management for ordering lab supplies and instruments

Organize and develop collaboration between research laboratories

Graduate Assistant, Mentor: Dr. Nicholas Illsley 2012-2013

Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack, NJ, United States

Manage and mentor 2 medical students and 1 residence fellow for protocol and techniques


PhD candidate, Mentor: Dr. Michael Falvo 2013-2016

War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC), Veteran Affair Health Care System,

East Orange, NJ, United States

Collaborative team work between basic and clinical research teams Collaborate with investigator

from other institutes to develop new techniques Mentor rotated PhD, Master, Medical students

Manage budget and contact vendors for lab supply

Attend journal clubs in multi-field, including basic science and clinical studies

Business and Management Experience

SciPhD, the Business of Science for Scientists 2014

Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, United States

Intensive Courses for the core business competencies for the transition from academic to industry

Project Management 2015

Rutgers Business School, Newark, NJ, United States

Project management in knowledge: project integration, scope management, time, cost and quality

management, human resource management, communication and stakeholder management, risk and

procurement management

Project management in practice by working on a team project as project manager

Peer-reviewed Publications

Swingley WD, Iwai M, Chen Y, Ozawa S, Takizawak K, Takahashi Y, Minagawa J. (2010). Characterization

of photosystem I antenna proteins in the prasinophyte Ostreococcus Tauri. Biochim. Biophys. Acta,


Selected Presentations

Poster presentation, Alliance for Global Sustainability Annual Meeting, Gothenberg, Sweden 2011

Estimated Impact of Vegetarianism on Global Warming

Poster presentation, Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA 2014

Poster 1 Salivary mtDNA Copy Number: Index of Aerobic Efficiency?

Poster 2 Deployment Length and its Correlation with Spirometric Variables in Deployed Veterans

Both posters were presented to scientists in multi-filed: exercise physiology, pulmonary,

biochemical & biomolecular science

Poster presentation, Research Day at Veteran Affairs Health Care system, East Orange, NJ 2014

The effects of deployment-related exposures on mitochondrial dysfunction in Iraq/Afghanistan Veterans

The posters were presented to scientists, health care providers (physicians, nurses), veterans

Poster presentation, Experimental Biology, Boston, MA 2015

Research Day at Veteran Affairs Health Care System, East Orange, NJ

Is p53 involved in response to airborne hazards exposure in deployed Military?

Poster presentation, APS Conference: Physiological Bioenergetics: From Bench to Bedside 2015

Mitochondrial DNA is damaged in military veterans with fatiguing Conditions

Oral presentation, APS Conference: Physiological Bioenergetics: From Bench to Bedside 2015

Mitochondrial DNA is damaged in military veterans with fatiguing Conditions

Translational bioenergetics section: exercise physiological and biochemical & molecular data are

presented to multi-field scientists

Other activities/service

President of Undergraduate News and Publicity Department 2006-2008

Hunan Institute of Engineering, Hunan, China

Organizing Culture and Scientific festival at University

Editing University Newspaper & broadcasting Daily News

Volunteered Translator

Japanese/Chinese/English Churches at Sapporo and Okazaki, Japan 2010-2011

Chinese/English Churches at Nutley and Parsippany, NJ, United States 2011-

iJOBS Blogger Rutgers University (http://ijobs.rutgers.edu/blog.php) 2015-

Volunteers at VA Fall Health Fairs 2015

New Jersey Veteran health Care system, East Orange, NJ, United States

Provide information and education in current studies of WRIISC to veterans, healthcare providers,

other employees

Recruit participants to current studies

Gulf War Outreach Event 2015

New Jersey Veteran health Care system, East Orange, NJ, United States

Outreach Gulf War veterans and healthcare providers Prepare Outreach Event

Provide information and education of Gulf War Illness studies to veterans and healthcare providers

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